Thursday 31 March 2011

About this blog

Hi folks, welcome to my first foray in to mathematical blogging. This site exists to make me learn mathematics, and the best way to learn is to teach! To this end, I will be summarizing and giving my personal take on various textbooks, starting with "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach." by Arora & Barak. Before I get to the maths, let me give two caveats.
The first is that to make it easier to publish (and because google blog doesn't support LaTeX), my math notation will be in ascii. I may even resort to english rather than standard mathematical notation (i.e. funny greek symbols). The second is that being a mere mortal, I may occasionally make mistakes in reasoning or explain things less clearly than I should. To fix this, comments and questions are most welcome. I will take them in to account when I write polished versions of these posts.

Right, enough of that. On to mathematics!

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